燕窩具潤肺清血養顏美容之功效,自古即被奉為養生食補的聖品。 燕窩的性味甘平,能養陰潤燥,益氣補中,中醫藥一直把燕窩視為食療補品,長期食用可治療痰喘,咳嗽,肺病、咯血等症、老人、慢性病、中風、洗腎病患、氣色不佳的人都非常適合吃燕窩,如果沒效為何吃燕窩的人口這麼多? 孕婦佔了7成,燕窩可以提升免疫力避免懷孕期間罹患感冒、咳嗽,在服用期間孕婦的氣色也會非常的漂亮臉色看起來光亮有精神的。服用燕窩生下的寶寶皮膚會比較白。 今日科學研究所知,燕窩的確含有大量水溶性糖原蛋白質及碳水化合物,鈣,鐵,磷等,長期使用對肺、氣管、皮膚都有很顯著的功效。它還含有少量的表皮生長因子,可刺激細胞生長,增強身體免疫能力,增強身體對X光或其他放射線損害的抵抗力。
這些聲明尚未經過美國食品和藥物管理局的評估。 本產品不用於診斷,治療,預防或預防任何疾病。
一、漂白: 燕窩是天然產品,以白燕為例,其顏色不可能是單一白色,每片燕窩多少都會有色差。 此外,燕子孵蛋時遇爾會踩破蛋,蛋汁流出經氧化後會使燕窩出現班點,以上現象完全不會影響其食用功效,但消費者可能受觀念誤導,以為顏色越白越好。而不肖業者為投其所好,就在洗燕時用容易致癌的雙氧水(或稱過氧化氫)來漂白。這可使每片燕窩顏色看來都一樣,也可在去除斑點的同時又可將無法挑盡的細毛漂白至肉眼無法辨識,實則會對健康有莫大傷害。燕窩在完全乾燥時,聞之無味,含水份之後除有自然的霉香味並帶清淡的蛋香味,但經漂白的燕窩則此天然味道盡失。
二、塗膠: 燕窩係燕子以其含豐富蛋白質唾液以條狀不斷重壘而築出之巢,完整的燕窩須前後耗時約二個半月方能築成,其間難免會有脫落的燕毛或其他雜質夾雜於燕條縫隙間,經洗燕之後有部份燕盞無法恢復平整而有縫隙產生, 而部份不肖業者則以海藻、魚骨粉或其他物提煉之膠遍塗於燕窩表面而使之看來平整,但燕窩價格稱兩論錢計,膠塗得厚則偷斤兩多,相對其利潤也愈高。而有些業者將燕窩塗上非食用膠,此舉更是令人髮指,因為非食用膠長期覆蓋在燕窩上,會使其滲透在燕窩當中,無法清除乾淨,若服用則會迼成身體腸胃不適之現象,原食用燕窩之本意是為養身之道,但如食用此種做法之燕窩則與原意背道而馳,適得其反了。
三、偷水份: 為避免運輸過程經擠壓而破碎,為保持原形就須噴上適量的水份,但含水量高低則視不同洗燕業者而有差異。 有些業者以含水量15%以上的燕窩報低價搶佔市場,實則扣除水份,消費者完全沒佔到任何便宜,表面再噴上無色無味類似髮膠的膠水。一旦膠水凝固燕窩表面觸摸起來似乎乾度十足,實際上燕窩內所含水份完全被噴膠封死鎖住,此種燕窩的利潤高得驚人。
四、以樹脂充燕窩: 坊間有人自泰國或越南進口所謂的燕窩或是浸泡好半成品,以登報或直銷方式以極低價格欺騙無知消費者,實則其原料可能是盛產於泰國,越南等地的一種可食用樹脂其原料價格一每磅只需1美元,而功效甚至不如仙草。 此情形也常發生於參加泰國旅遊團,當地導遊定會安食用或購買燕窩,買回之後經比較方知受騙上當,故千萬不可貪一時便宜而受嚴重損失。所以購買燕窩不能單純以價格作為唯一考量,還須比較是否漂白,塗膠及含水量等因素,原則上仍以向來信譽良好的商家購買為宜。
我們在Silkie譴責那些誤導和不健康的做法,並非常仔細地選擇我們的燕窩供應商。 我們與印尼70多年的農場合作,他們自設燕窩農場和清洗工廠有70多餘年的經驗來提供最高質量的產品。 因為我們是中醫師,我們致力於為我們的客戶提供最自然純淨的燕窩。
- 100%全純正燕窩(含有天然的自然的霉香味並帶清淡的蛋香味)
- 清潔時不添加任何化學品(如漂白水、雙氧水或過氧化氫等等)
- 沒有添加膠水或其他材料 (如海藻、魚骨粉、非食用膠等等)
- 沒有破碎的燕窩填充物,不補燕碎
- 燕窩的含水量不超過10%
- 從未漂白過
- 燕窩清潔度在業內排名最高
Silkie 的燕窩是要經歷了繁重的手功清潔過程,不涉及任何化學品或異物。這才是市場上最高質量和最天然的產品:
100% Natural
Our herbal supplements are made with natural honey as the binder. Honey can support the lungs, intestine, spleen, and stomach; It works as a natural preservative with antibacterial and healing properties. Unlike other herbal supplement companies that use starch, magnesium, and other chemical substances as binders for their supplements, we only use 100% honey. We also avoid using vegetable capsules because they require chemical components to form the capsule shape.
Peak Harvest Herbs
The herbs in our herbal pill blends are harvested at the height of their potency and they are substantially more expensive than less potent herbs that were harvested in the pre-or post-season, but in our view, there is no substitute for premium quality.
5 Generations
Over five generations we have collected, tested and refined Chinese herbal formulas that themselves draw from 3000 years of experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a profound pathway to create the life you were born to live. It's a timeless bridge that can initiate and support change and growth in any and every life dimension: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Message From Ann
“Good Health is crucial for our overall well-being. It encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects, and it's important to prioritize taking care of ourselves to lead a fulfilling life. Emphasizing prevention over cure is paramount for maintaining this balance. Without health, life can become incredibly challenging. It affects our ability to pursue our goals, enjoy our relationships, and experience daily life to the fullest. Good health forms the foundation for everything else we want to achieve and experience.” - Ann Tam
Click below for
Ann's Story
Here's my story.
If you feel skeptical or unsure of Chinese herbal remedies, I could hardly blame you. I wasn't a believer either until my daughter grew very sick and my father (the 4th generation herbalist) helped her get better with herbs.
I was born into a family of herbalists. My father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, great-great grandfather were all herbalists. I represent the 5th generation in this long lineage dating back to Imperial China.
When I was three or four years old, I started to learn herbal songs and how to identify herbs. As I got older, I was taught how to process the herbs while working in my dad’s clinic in Vietnam. After we immigrated to the United States, my dad asked me if I wanted to pursue a career in TCM as an herbalist or acupuncturist. I said, “No, just leave me alone, Dad. I will find something I enjoy doing for work.” So, he left me alone to find my own way.
I wanted nothing to do with herbal medicine until I gave birth to my second daughter, Catherine, who was born with severe gastric reflux. When Catherine was 10 days old, I had to take her to the ER for IV injections into her little hand because she couldn’t keep milk down. Besides vomiting, she also was having diarrhea. Catherine was losing nutrition from both ends, so her tiny body was shrinking. At that time my dad warned me, “She needs to be treated with herbal medicine, otherwise she will have seizures later on.” I didn’t fully understand what my dad was talking about, so I ignored him.
My daughter got so ill that she could only take half an ounce of milk per hour. Before feeding her, I would use a syringe and shoot Zantac into her mouth to lessen the vomiting. As time passed, she needed milk more often, and consequently more Zantac. By the time Catherine was 8 months old, she needed to be fed and medicated 11 times a day.
I could hardly sleep, eat, shower or rest. Even at night, I had to drape my daughter over my shoulder for her to sleep. If I put Catherine down, she would vomit. I barely had time to squeeze in a 5-minute shower once or twice a week for myself. I was exhausted, but what could I do? I had to care for my daughter and do my best to survive each day with the hope that she would get better or at the very least her condition would not worsen.
Catherine had to wear a turtleneck with two sweaters along with a baby cap and scarf to be outside during the heat of summer, even when temperatures were 100 plus degrees. If I didn’t cover her up, she would have a runny nose, cough, and non stop vomiting. How will she be able to go to school or anywhere with air conditioning?
One day we went to a Vietnamese pho restaurant. After I set Catherine down into the high-chair, I turned around and adjusted my chair. Then I heard a woman’s shout, “Look at her!” I looked in the direction she pointed. It was Catherine…her eyes rolled up and her entire body stiff and shaking with fluid coming out of her mouth. Someone said, “Squeeze some lemon into her mouth.” I did it without hesitating and Catherine’s body relaxed.
We rushed her to the ER. For 3 days she was in the NICU where they monitored her brain. The doctors told me I was lucky because my daughter’s seizure didn’t last for more than 3 minutes which would have damaged her brain. After that I always carried a piece of lemon because I had no idea when my baby girl might have another seizure.
The seizures started to come weekly, so the doctor prescribed anti-seizure medication. Catherine wasn’t even 1 year of age, and already she was taking Zantac 11 times plus anti-seizure medicine 3 times a day. It was nearly impossible to administer the anti-seizure medicine because whenever I took out the syringe, she would cry and start vomiting.
I took Catherine to see a specialist at CHOC. I asked, “Doctor, have you ever seen any infant with this condition get well?” The doctor replied, “It depends. Some will grow out of it, but some don’t. If they don’t, then they will have to take medication for the rest of their life.”
“What do you mean by grow out of it?” The doctor explained that Catherine might get better by herself as she got older.
My mind was racing. “All this time the prescribed medication has not been treating her stomach?” The doctor said, “No, it only helps to guide the food down, so she won’t vomit it back up. That’s why you have to give it to her before the feeding.”
“Well, what if she doesn’t grow out of it?” In that case, Catherine will be dependent upon medication for the rest of her life. The doctor further informed me that she too was born with gastro reflux and is still taking medicine for the condition.
Her statement was like lightning in my brain. If the doctor can’t even treat herself for gastro reflux, how can she help my daughter? Seeing the futility of my path, I turned to my dad for help.
My dad advised me to stop all western drugs and to give her an herbal prescription 3 times a day. Administering medicine 3 times instead of 14 times a day to Catherine was a godsend to me. Even though it sounded too good to be true, I figured that I could still give Zantac to Catherine if she didn’t get better or continued to vomit.
After one month of herbs 3 times a day, Catherine vomited less and less. To test Catherine, I let her cry to see if she would vomit. She didn’t, so I knew she was getting better. After another month of herbal medicine, Catherine was able to wear less clothing without getting a runny nose, coughing, or vomiting. After 3 months of herbal formulas, she stopped having episodes of gastro reflux and seizure. Catherine will enjoy a normal, healthy life.
Because of Catherine’s dramatic recovery, I was sold on Chinese medicine and asked my dad to treat me. I fainted very easily, especially during the winter. After a few months of herbal formulas, I have never fainted again.
I started to have time to think and tried to understand why a piece of lemon helps to relax the muscles and stop a seizure. Lemon is a common citrus, yet it has magical powers that we don’t understand and underestimate. I wanted to learn more and find answers, so I decided to go to China which has a long history of herbal medicine. I went to TCM schools in China and Hong Kong and worked in the TCM hospitals to learn from the best herbal doctors in the world.
When I was there, I knew one day I would want to become an herbalist, but how can I get a steady supply of high-quality herbs. My dad and I backpacked across China and visited many farmlands. We interviewed farmers to grow herbs for us. Our products are used with the highest quality herbs that have been harvested at the height of their potency. They are substantially more expensive than less potent herbs that were harvested in the pre- or post-season.
After I came back to the United State, I worked with my dad and learned from his experiences and studied the formulas that our ancestors passed down. What I have been through helped me to understand the importance of health. Without health, don’t even talk about career, beauty, education, freedom, etc. I now have worked with many families who have suffered as I have. Their endearing appreciation drives me to work harder.
Our namesake "Silkie" is a Chinese breed of chicken that is well known for its calm and friendly temperament. They are gentle and caring and make wonderful mothers. A Silkie loves nothing more than brooding a cluster of eggs, whether they are hers or not, even if they are "duck eggs". We share the same outlook and care for our clients the same way we care for our own family.