Additional Recommended

Combining herbal formulas can effectively address multiple health concerns or enhance Arthritis related conditions: 

  • For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, take Injury Support  (1-3 pills) with Arthritis (5-10 pills) to ease hand and finger pain, numbness, and tingling from median nerve compression.
  • For Rheumatoid Arthritis, take Injury Support  (1-5 pills), Gout (1-5 pills), and Arthritis (1-5 pills) to tackle joint inflammation, pain, swelling, and deformity.
  • For Osteoarthritis, take Kidney Yin (9 pills), Kidney Yang (1 pill), Knee Pain (3-5 pills), Injury Support  (1-3 pills), and Arthritis (1-3 pills) to alleviate pain, stiffness, and limited joint movement in weight-bearing joints affected by osteoarthritis.
  • For Gout, Take Gout 5 to 10 pills once or twice daily if needed to ease joint pain, swelling, and redness. 
  • For Juvenile Arthritis, take Kidney Yin 3 to 5 pills, Detox Liver 3 to 5 pills, Injury Support 1 to 2 pills with Arthritis 1 pill to alleviate pain, swelling, stiffness, and systemic symptoms.
  • For Psoriatic Arthritis, take Gout 3 to 5 pills, Itch and Rash(Dry) 3 to 5 pills, Healthy Nails 1 to 2 pills with Arthritis 1 pill to address joint inflammation, pain, swelling, and nail changes, particularly in the fingers and toes.

Learn more about Herbal Formula Combinations