Diet & Prevention
Eat similarly portioned meals 3 times per day at regularly designated times. Rest more and stay away from wind/drafts, cold, or AC.
Do light exercises like walking and yoga daily. Also practice deep breathing daily. Eat light, balanced meals. DO NOT drink cold or iced beverages. Avoid chips and salty foods. It is best to avoid pungent or heavily seasoned foods like curries and barbeque; raw or uncooked foods like salad and sushi; and sour foods like vinegar, orange, grapefruit, and pickles. Fried, greasy, or heavy foods like french fries, pizza, ice cream, and cheesecake create Dampness and should also be avoided. No shrimp and shellfish. Avoid chocolate, processed and canned food. No smoking, alcohol, and coffee. No spicy, sweat and dairy.
Eat early. Best to eat meals at 7am, 12pm and 5pm. Be in bed by 10:30 pm and sleep from 11 pm to 7 am.